Monday, May 30, 2011


Not a huge deal, just a good change from the usual! I bought a small bottle of Thai Sweet Hot Chili sauce that said it was good on food as well as a marinate. So i trimmed off some bnls/sknls chicken breasts and de-boned some thighs, and marinated them for about 4 hours, then threaded them all on water-soaked skewers. Medium to low heat with constant attention(the sweet stuff will burn easily) for about 20 minutes, and we had a wonderful meal. Look for the bottle in the international aisle of Dillons.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This is our severe weather indicator...Rory curls
himself in a ball and hides under the end table
on Nancy's side of the bed.

Thats a lot of little dog in a pretty tiny place...
but he makes it happen.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This is more of just a post than a recipe...a while back I printed my recipe for Rib Rub, which I used on these 2 pork shoulders. They were average size for shoulders (5-7lbs?) and I rubbed them down well Saturday evening, wrapped them in cling wrap, and put them in the fridge. Sunday morning I took them out about an hour before putting them on the smoker. They went from 8a till 1p on the hickory smoke, then I took them off, wrapped them tightly in foil, and they went into a 325 degree oven for 4 more hours. This is right out of the oven, after letting them rest 1/2 hour for the juice to re-absorb. I peeled off the fat cap and pulled the meat off, sprinkling more rib rub between layers of meat, which i put in our huge crockpot. All in attendance said the meat was GREAT!, with there being enough to feed 15-20 people with seconds!


They say that "firewood warms you twice...once when you cut it, once when you burn it". Well, it definitely warmed me well done this last weekend. We were low on chimenea wood and with folks' house up for sale, my place to cut wood will be gone soon, so I went out on a nice, warm, humid mid-morning and cut down a dead hackberry tree. WHEW!!! was that a job...sweat about a ton! The wood was bigger diameter than I wanted, but my hope is my son coming home from Colorado this weekend will swing a splitting maul a bit for me/us.

Another inspiration for my woodcutting was that a week ago I went out with my chainsaw and cut the tree down...almost! It went down about halfway and got hung up in the overhead canopy...and then my chainsaw quit me! So I knew i had to get back there to bring down the "widow-maker" before someone else ventured down to the creek. Nancy was a huge help...she carried all the wood from down by the creek up to the lawn where the truck was parked and then loaded it all up after it was cut...couldn't have done it without here, thanks babe!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Our computer crashed shortly after we got home from CO, its at the dr. now getting disinfected. So hopefully we'll be back online by Monday nite...see ya soon!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Yes, folks...its official, we now have a true Funkmaster Flex in the family. The first of the Funk family to achieve their masters degree was capped this weekend! Sara Catherine Funk, along with 849 other PhD. and masters graduates, received her masters degree in Environmental and Radiological Health sciences at 3 pm Friday in Moby Arena on the campus of Colorado State University at Fort Collins.

We are all so proud of her making this great achievement! We are all pictured above at the railing just outside Moby Arena immediately following the ceremony this weekend. Just to the right is a picture of Sara and Michael, wearing the hood of her college (which they had to return...can you believe it?!?!). Michael is well on his way to achieving his masters in Business Administration from CSU also. He also presented us with big news this weekend...he received a promotion this last Tuesday from TTI(mfg. rep for Milwaukee/Ryobi/Rigid power tools) to become the territory rep for the state of Colorado! They will be moving back to CO next weekend and he starts his new position May 31! They will be residing in Denver for the present. Sara will be exploring job opportunities in the Denver area in her field.

Congrats to you both!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011


The first "official" project of Funks Hibrids new location is off the production floor, out of the paint shop and ready for delivery. Its called "Luke's Barn", named after the recipient of the building.

The entire project was completed out of scrap lumber and construction materials/paint on hand, with the exception of the barn red paint needed for the exterior. The roof was constructed using OSB board leftover from the garage makeover and the walls from pallets discarded from work. Glue, nails, primer and white finish coat were all utilized from materials onhand.

Luke's dad is the main subcontractor that helped us do our garage project, and his son Luke came along to help. Payment for services rendered was refused, so we will be having the family over for the world famous Funk marinated steaks and Luke will be presented a token of our thanks!

management of Funks Hibrids

Saturday, May 7, 2011

GARAGE MAKEOVE...almost done

i decided to post some pictures, even though the whole project isn't completely done. i have started to build some projects, so i snapped a couple pics. we still need to put some stuff into boxes on the east wall Gorilla shelving, but most of the stuff is there. we have a few items without homes, but we're placing as we go.

i got the overhead light hung this afternoon, so that side is ready to roll. we still need to make
lots of headway on the south wall, but thats a
project for this summer/fall.

p.s. - M & S...we had a very healthy dinner tonite, grilled smoke chicken halves with a oil/worcestershire/spices sauce and a pasta salad with whole wheat shells, tomato, green pepper, tomato, olives, cheddar cheese and a raspberry vinagrette sauce...and lots of BEER!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hey, I heard of something new today that sounds great. Tired of coiling your garden hose on the ground and it gets tangled, or your back kills you as you bend over reeling up your hose...look at GECKO TOES!

Go on the internet and google search Gecko Toes and read all about them. My boss has several at his house and he swears by them...he's bringing me one. Or go to Woodards Mercantile south of Maize and buy one. They look like they could really do the job!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


No recipe today, just a picture of my 2nd most favorite breakfast. I start with a good quality breakfast sausage, some flour when the meat is browned, evaporated milk(since we have no whole milk in the house) some scrambled eggs, and some nice big fluffy biscuits(i use store bought tubes...i just can't get a nice light biscuit from scratch). Couple that with a nice big glass of don't get much better than that!!!