Labor Day Weekend Project

Nanc & I make a good team. She comes up with an idea, then I get to draw up plans, figure/buy materials, construct the project, and then "we" have a great project in the end. She decided we needed a place for a sandbox when Sutton and his brother(?) get older, so we moved the kennel off the slab i poured 15 years ago, and construction began Sat. morning on a "lean-to". It got to be hot work, but with some help from my dad and Nanc to hold/level things, I/we got a lot done today. I had a real struggle attaching the header to the building 'cause it had a severe bow in it, but using my superior physics knowledge, I persevered. The rafters weren't too much of a challenge, other than I had to take a break to watch K-State beat UCLA on the football field today. Tommorow or Monday I will put the stringers up and attach some fiberglass corrugated sheets on for the roof. It was a hard day, but a hydrocodone and several beers helped me thru!
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