Sunday, July 31, 2011


Well, we've finally joined our kids and the millions of others that don't have home phone service...we got rid of our hard line phone at home. We'd been thinking about it for a while, and this last months AT & T bill pushed us over the edge. We got a bill for $50...$3 of which was for long distance charges, the other $47 was for the privledge of having a phone and service fees!!!!

So we went out Wednesday and bought Nanc her own cell phone and shut off the home phone. But before you get too excited, I do need to tell you that we are not completely "in the '00's" with our new situation. I still did not set up my voicemail, so if i don't answer the phone you can't leave a'll have to try back later (back to the old days before answering machines!). Nancy set her's up though, so you can leave her a message...I'm just too "old school".

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